
  • Zane Darša Latvijas Universitāte (LV)
  • Jūlija Jacquemod (Žakemo) Latvijas Universitāte, pētnieks, RISEBA, lektore (LV)




LMX, leadership style, managerial grid


Leader is the one who uses collaboration which is based upon mutual relationship and enhances further mutual communication and cooperation in the organisation. This research is aimed at addressing whether there is a relationship between the leadership style and LMX (LMX - Leader-Member Exchange) on the basis of „Rīgas siltums” company in order to develop recommendations to the studied company’s management and also to management of other companies on the matters of relationship quality improvement. The main tasks are to distinguish the features of various leadership styles within the company, as well as to realise the meaning of the concept of LMX and find out how LMX is evaluated within the company; on the grounds of collected data elaborate conclusions and perspectives for the future studies. Applying the Managerial grid and LMX scale instruments the questionnaire for the employees and the managers was created. It was found that in the company there is a rather high relationship quality among the leaders and subordinates. It was also proven that there is a relationship between the Leadership style oriented to personality and the Leader – member exchange.


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Economics and Management