
  • Wieslaw Matwiejczuk Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok (PL)
  • Urzula Kobulinska Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok (PL)



Modern management, methods of management, Podlaskie province


Since the principles of the free market economy were introduced in Poland, the increased interest of managers has been noticed in acquiring modern management methods and implementing them in different spheres of business activity. More and more companies use benchmarking, outsourcing, lean management, strategic scorecard or competence management in their business practice. Awareness of managers regarding modern approaches that reflect the world's best practical achievements is important in itself. But no less important is the understanding that management methods cannot be always applied and not by everyone, so there are also some serious risks. Inappropriate use of the concept of management can lead a company to the crisis and fall when, in its turn, the proper understanding and its further application can protect the company against those risks. It is important to determine what for, when and how to use the concept. This article presents the results of the pilot studies conducted among companies in Podlasie on the application and assessment of the suitability of modern management methods. The aim of the research presented in this article was to identify whether and to what extent the Podlasie companies use modern methods of management. The study was carried out in the first quarter of 2014 focusing on a sample of 104 randomly selected companies in Podlaskie province. The research method employed was a survey carried out among enterprises.


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