
  • Inga Šīna Dr.oec., Jurmala (LV)




labour force, migration, employment


Migration of inhabitants in Latvia is considered to be one of the factors accelerating economic growth where, following accession of Latvia to the EU, taking advantages provided by EU membership that offers free movement and working in member states thereof, people migrate with a view to gain higher wages, to obtain better conditions of living, better environment availability, and to raise quality of life. Research of the mentioned issue is topical, because free movement of labour force from one country to another has the most direct impact on human capital, its growth and loss in a certain area; and it affects indirectly industrial and service development and growth or stagnation of a region. The goal of the present publication is to analyse migration trends in Latvia within the very context of labour force employment. The author draws a conclusion that migration policy is turned to protection of the domestic market in Latvia; intensive migration will be in progress, and this may have a future bad effect on the economic situation of Latvia and competitiveness within EU common space.


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