
  • Jeļena Lonska Mg.sc.soc., Accountant, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne, doctoral student, Daugavpils University (LV)




funding mechanisms, higher education, performance-based funding, direct funding, indirect funding


The issues regarding the funding mechanisms of higher education, their application and efficiency have recently become topical in many countries worldwide. Mobilization and efficient use of resources in higher education policy are the priority patterns all over the world. Society is trying to find answers to the questions considering the state participation in higher education funding. How to determine the impact of the state participation and levels of state regarding higher education funding? Is centralized planning necessary for higher education: does the state or consumers of educational services allocate financial resources at universities? There is an opinion that a consumer group has an effective financial tool for resource allocation. Another significant question is whether a person is able to choose the educational ‘product’, which corresponds to the needs of economics. What should an effective student loan system be like? Should the future students’ loan repayments depend on students' future incomes? This study provides information on the global higher education funding trends and opportunities, looking for the answers to the issues mentioned above.


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