
  • Artūrs Prauliņš Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics (LV)
  • Ligita Melece Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics (LV)



Comparative analysis, farms, fixed assets, Latgale, reproduction


Agriculture is an important integral part of Latvia’s economy. Recently it has suffered a significant decline due to a price disparity, out–of–date technology, and stiff competition with cheap imported agricultural products, inflation and long–lasting unsuccessful structural reforms. At present most farms work with losses or low profitability and therefore can not provide the reproduction of fixed assets which is a vital prerequisite of efficient agricultural production. The comparative analysis of reproduction of farms’ fixed assets in Latgale and in Latvia is performed in the paper. In contrast to the previously done research, the focus is on analysis of various derived indicators such as net investments per European size unit, total utilised agricultural area and livestock unit. Special attention has been paid to the subsidies on investment as a gratis external source of finance and their proportion in gross investments.


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