
  • Inta Kotane Mg.oec., lecturer, researcher, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne (LV)



small and medium enterprises, measuring indicators


The number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) comprises  a significant share in total number of enterprises in national economies, the SMEs are considered to be the backbone of economic growth, and most often their significance is valued by the gross value added and a number of new jobs created. Notwithstanding the established role of SMEs in national economies and the research studies conducted by Latvian scientists, the author considers that the theoretical and practical aspects of the SME's performance have not been sufficiently studied and published in Latvia. The purpose of the current study is to explore the theoretical and practical aspects of the SME's performance. The theoretical study is based on the analysis of the research publications, and the practical aspects are analysed using statistical information. General scientific research methods – information analysis and synthesis, the logical construction, monographic, data grouping and graphical representation methods – are used in the research. In the result, the theoretical aspects of the SMEs' performance are explored and the main indicators measuring the SMEs' performance are assessed.


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