Latvian Criminal Law has been substantially amended in 2014 and 2015. In accordance with these amendments – offense may be recognized as rape not only in cases when violence, threat or victim’s helplessness were used, but also in cases where act of sexual intercourse has been committed against the victim’s will by using trust, authority or other influence. In the article interpretation issues of these innovations/changes have been analyzed. Author also addresses possibilities for further development of the Law. Such opportunities would be, e.g., determining particular liability for rape committed with deceit and defining exact perception about consent for sexual intercourse.References
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§ 174 Sexueller Mißbrauch von Schutzbefohlenen
§ 174a Sexueller Mißbrauch von Gefangenen, behördlich Verwahrten oder Kranken und Hilfsbedürftigen in Einrichtungen
§ 174b Sexueller Mißbrauch unter Ausnutzung einer Amtsstellung
§ 174c Sexueller Mißbrauch unter Ausnutzung eines Beratungs-, Behandlungs- oder Betreuungsverhältnisses
§ 176 Sexueller Mißbrauch von Kindern
§ 177 Sexuelle Nötigung; Vergewaltigung
§ 179 Sexueller Mißbrauch widerstandsunfähiger Personen
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Tennessee state codes, Title 39 - Criminal Offenses, Part 5 - Sexual Offenses. 39-13-532 - Statutory Rape By An Authority Figure Statutory rape by an authority figure is the unlawful sexual penetration of a victim by the defendant or of the defendant by the victim when:
(1) The victim is at least thirteen (13) but less than eighteen (18) years of age;
(2) The defendant is at least four (4) years older than the victim; and
(3) The defendant was, at the time of the offense, in a position of trust, or had supervisory or disciplinary power over the victim by virtue of the defendant's legal, professional, or occupational status and used the position of trust or power to accomplish the sexual penetration; or
(4) The defendant had, at the time of the offense, parental or custodial authority over the victim and used the authority to accomplish the sexual penetration.
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