landscape, abstract landscape, texture, texture materials, modern textures techniquesAbstract
In this work history of world landscape art development as well as texture usage in abstract landscape is researched. Latvian and world artist abstract landscape paintings are viewed, that had experiments with texture usage, techniques and materials, which helped to create these landscapes. Work of Latvian artists, such as Rūdolf Pinnis “Forest Image”, whose works generalized nature image, landscape art of Boris Bērziņš, paintings of Jānis Pauļuks are analyzed as well as art of foreign artists, such as Zao Wou Ki, Peter Doig etc. Attention was put to the modern texture creation, where different materials are used, such as sawdust, sand, marble, metal bits etc. Within works of abstract landscapes different painting styles can be found as an influential and in this work main styles, which influenced beginning of abstract landscape are found to be impressionism, expressionism, symbolism.
Research methods: theoretical, literature sources as well as research and analysis of internet sources.
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