archival studies, Brezhgó Bolesław (1887–1957), Latgalian Peasantry, Rezekne, source study, Vladislav Lotsis publisher, Vitebsk branch of the Moscow Archaeological InstituteAbstract
The article shows the evolution of changes in the assessment of the personality of the historian Bolesław Brezhgó. He retained the principled positions of an objective scientist throughout his biography, despite the change in political and ideological attitudes. His active scientific work took place in the conditions of changing political regimes and doctrines for about 40 years, first in Belarus, and then in Latvia. The position of the scientist can be presented apolitical, but he repeatedly tried to cooperate in the cultural and scientific programs of national organizations throughout this time.
Brezhgó witnessed and participated in the complex process of the formation of the Latvian statehood and the Latgalian national movement. He did not refuse proposals to publish his works. His objectivity was based on the rejection of the way to use the results of his own research for conjunctural, political purposes. Bolesław Brezhgó proceeded from the idea that historical material should form problems. It is necessary to raise questions that follow from this material. He did not try to analyze the material for uncharacteristic problems.
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