asylum law, asylum systemAbstract
There still is a lack of unity among EU Member States on asylum issues, both, in the practical application of the existing legal framework and in the direction of the common asylum system. Latvia is subject of both international and European Union common asylum conditions. Any changes in the scale of the European Union affect Latvia, and the world situation in the field of refugees also affects our country. The aim of this article is to analyse the current situation of asylum in the EU, touching upon main trends in the world of refugees, and to identify the main problems in the existing asylum procedure in the EU. In order to achieve objectives, following research methods were used: monographic research of theoretical and empirical sources in order to analyse and evaluate various asylum domain information, analytical method in order to acquire legislative content and verities, comparative method in order to discover differences in legislation of asylum procedure in EU countries, systemic method in order to disclose interconnections in legislation, descriptive statistics method and correlation analysis in order to analyse process of asylum procedure and determine interconnections in asylum procedure time frame between legislation and practical instances in EU countries.
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