border control, challenges, cooperation, reforms, Schengen areaAbstract
The Schengen area is a unique structure and one of the European Union's greatest achievements allowing people to move freely within its borders. However, the factors such as the refugee crisis and the influx of asylum seekers into Europe have led several Member States to reintroduce border controls at their internal borders. The aim of the research is to explore the Schengen area, the challenges of its existence and the need for reform. In order to implement the aim of the research, the authors have determined the following tasks of the research: 1) to explore and analyse the Schengen area and the reforms taking place in it; 2) to explore the challenges of the existence of the Schengen area; 3) based on the results obtained in the research, to draw conclusions and develop proposals. The study summarizes the reforms implemented and planned in the Schengen area, evaluates the existing challenges and relevance of the reforms to overcome them. As a result of the study, the authors conclude that it is necessary to ensure the Member States adopt measures to restore the proper functioning of the Schengen area and do not request extension of the reintroduction of the border control at the internal borders.
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