
  • Iveta Adijāne Mg.iur., Docent of Border Guard and Immigration Service Subjects Department of the State Border Guard College (LV)
  • Jolanta Gaigalniece-Zelenova Mg.soc., Lecturer of Border Guard and Immigration Service Subjects Department of the State Border Guard College (LV)



accelerated procedures, asylum procedure, asylum, border procedures.


Recent years have brought many challenges to all countries of the European Union in the field of immigration and asylum. Latvia, in the process of involving into the common European asylum system, has made different practical actions to improve the asylum procedure. Being a European Union country Latvia is subordinated to common changes in the field of asylum that are now in process of realization. But the events of recent years have influenced the sphere of asylum. These are: COVID-19, hybrid threat and situation at the Belarus border and recent events concerning situation in Ukraine. The authors have studied most current events during recent years focusing on questions on the topic. The aim of this article is to analyse the current situation of asylum in the EU, touching upon main trends in the world of refugees, to identify the main problems in the existing asylum procedure in the EU, in order to define the accelerated asylum procedure in the legal basis and in practical life, and to offer solutions. The object of the article is the asylum system. The subject of the article is the accelerated asylum procedure. In order to achieve objectives, following research methods were used: monographic research of theoretical and empirical sources in order to analyse and evaluate various asylum domain information, analytical method in order to acquire legislative content and verities, historical method, comparative method, systemic method, descriptive statistics method and correlation analysis, methods of interpretation of legal norms: grammatical method of interpretation, the historical method of interpretation, teleological method of interpretation and the systemic method of interpretation of legal provisions.


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