
  • Gundega Dinaburga Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte (LV)
  • Dainis Lapiņš Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte (LV)
  • Andris Bērziņš Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte (LV)



cereals, factor analysis, precise crop cultivation, soil properties


The modern meaning of accurate crop cultivation is closely associated with the new information technologies - geographic information and global positioning systems. Latvia has not published the results of research on soil conditions and the impact of unregulated factors of production conditions on winter wheat growth and yield. Analysis of results of studies aimed to clarify the difference of soil treatment facilities, as the criteria for the treatment of soil using soil characterizing Non-plant growth and development factors. Investigations were carried out in 2005 – 2007 on the production plantations of the Kurpnieki field, the Vecauce Study and Research Farm of the Latvia University of Agriculture. The results, while on a previous year, research on soil management measures to optimize the opportunities associated with global positioning systems, precision field management implementation practice shows that in order to obtain objective indicators and to gain the desired results, it was not enough for one season observation, since a large role in shaping the harvest is the meteorological conditions during the growing period. Unregulated factors: organic matter content, Ap horizon thickness, as well as the relative height above sea-level properties of materials research is the prerequisite for geographic information system-based resource-saving cultivation technology field-crop cultivation.



Vilde A., Rucins A., Skrastins M., Cesnieks S., Lapins D., Berzins A., Aizsilnieks A., Kopmanis J., Plume A. Investigations in Precision Agriculture in Latvia // Proceedings of the International Conference: New Technological Processes and Investigation Methods of Agricultural Engineering No 10, Raudondvaris, Lithuania Academia Scientiarum, September 8-9, 2005. P. 32-38.

Lapins D., Vilde A., Berzins A., Plume A., Dinaburga G. Criteria For the Site Specific Soil Tillage // Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, Latvia University of Agriculture, 24-25 May. -Jelgava: LLU, 2007. P. 268-275.

Lapins D., Vilde A., Berzins A., Dinaburga G., Plume A., Rucins A. Investigations of Technologies for the Precision Agriculture and Estimation their Efficiency // Proceedings of the International Conference Biosystems Engineering and Processes in Agriculture No.13. 25-26 September, Raudondvaris 2008. P. 157.-161.

Vilde A., Lapins D., Dinaburga G., Rucins A., Cesnieks S., Berzins A., Plume A., Repsons J. Investigation of Technologies for Precision Agriculture and Estimation of Their Efficiency // Proceedings of 10th International Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture 14-17 October, Antalya - TŰRKỈYE, 2008. P. 585.-591.

Lapiņš D., Bērziņš A., Gaile Z., Oboļeviča D., Grenovska K., Koroļova J., Sprincina A., Kopmanis J. Augsnes apstrādes un sējas tehnoloģiju ietekme uz ziemas kviešu graudu ražu un tās kvalitāti // Agronomijas Vēstis / LLMZA, LLU LF. 2003. Nr. 5. 109.-116. lpp.




How to Cite

G. Dinaburga, D. Lapiņš, and A. Bērziņš, “THE IMPACT OF UNREGULATED FACTOR INFLUENCE ON WINTER WHEAT GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 92–99, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2009vol1.1093.