
  • Eduards Matisāns Dr.sc.ing., Senior researcher, Project Manager (LV)
  • Semjons Ivanovs Dr.sc.ing., Senior researcher (LV)




By evaluating the strong and the weak points o f the Latgale region we can assert that its power lies in its natural resources which are luxurious in their mild modesty, with the best-preserved environmental originality in the north-eastern part o f Eutrope. The weak point of Latgale is the poverty of the population and disarrayed infrastructure. To eliminate the weakness, balanced education o f the population is needed, as well as profitable farming projects and support investments. A co-operation project was worked out by the Latvian Council o f Science “Optimisation o f the economic and social development of Latgale During four years “Foundations o f farming in Latgale ” have been developed. This report deals with what has been done; in monographs, available just here, the members of the conference can obtain detailed information.



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Matisāns E., Uzeleņš J. u.c. Gaļas liellopu nozares attīstība Latvijā. - Ulbrokas Zinātnes centrs, 2001. -1 5 0 lpp.

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Ivainovs S., Stramkale V. Linu ražošanas tehnoloģija un ekonomika Latgalē. — Ulbrokas Zinātnes centrs 2001.-160 lpp.

Ilsters A. Tehniskais aprīkojums un ražotāja izmaksas cūkkopībā. — Ulbrokas Zinātnes centrs, 2001. — 155 lpp.

Meņšikovs V. Latgale ceļā uz konkurētspējīgu tirgu. - Daugavpils: DPU izdevniecība “Saule”, 1997. - 120.lpp.

Meņšikovs V., Peipiņa O. Atomenerģētika un cilvēka dzīves apstākļi (socioloģiskais aspekts). -Daugavpils: DPU izdevniecība “Saule”, 1999. - 113.1pp.

Baltgailis J. Pārejas ekonomikas pakāpes (Kā pasaules prakse transformējās Latvijas Republikā). — Daugavpils: DPU izdevniecība “Saule”, 1999. - 88.1pp.

Baltgailis J. Finansu vadīšanas pamati pārejas ekonomikā (pēc Baltijas valstu piemēra). — Rīga: Baltijas Krievu institūts, SIA “Jumis”, 1999. - 128.lpp.

Meņšikovs V. Finansu socioloģija. 15 dr.l. (manuskripts)

Definition of Variables used in FADN standard results. Community Committee for Farm Accountancy Data network (FADN). RI/CC 882 Rev. 6.1, European Commission Directorate - General for Agriculture. 2000.




How to Cite

E. Matisāns and S. Ivanovs, “ENVIROMENT-FRIENDLY FARMING PROJECTS IN LATGALE”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 75–80, Jun. 2001, doi: 10.17770/etr2001vol1.1939.