
  • Aigars Metlāns East Latgale project (LV)
  • Edmunds Teirumnieks East Latgale project (LV)




East - Latgale Region including Rezekne city and district and Ludza City and disrtict. East - Latgale region occupies 5241 km2 (about 8% o f Latvia). There are 120273 inhabitants (4,9% o f Latvia's population). Registration of waste volume in region is formal, because waste going to dumpsites as a matter of fact is not controlled exept dumpsites used by largest towns. In East - Latgale region in year 2000 was 46 dumpsites and total waste volume 64700 m3. National Municipal Solid Waste Management Strategy foreseeing establish 10-12 new solid waste landfills in Latvia. The overall strategy in searching for a location of a new landfill includes three principal aspects: 1. The environmental impact o f a landfill has to be as low as possible. 2. The waste disposal interests should not conflict with other interests. 3. The selected site should be reasonable from economic viewpoint. Taking into consideration the above aspects, the division of the land in areas suitable and non-suitable for location of a new landfill was based on the following criteria: Geological structure and hydrogeological conditions; Distance to urban areas; Location o f particularly protected nature objects; Distance to surface water bodies.



Iespēju izpēte, ISPA pieteikuma formu sagatavošana un atkritumu apsaimniekošanas organizāciju izveide Austrumlatgales reģionālajam atkritumu apsaimniekošanas projektam. - Soil and Water Ltd., SIA Geo Consultants. - 2000.

Plānojamie Austrumlatgales un Dienvidlatgales reģionālie cieto sadzīves atkritumu apsaimniekošanas projekti.-SIA Geo Consultants. - 1999.

Papildus pētījums Austrumlatgales reģiona sadzīves atkritumu apglabāšanas poligona izveides ietekmes uz vidi novērtējuma ziņojumam par lielāko pārejas periodā izmantojamo izgāztuvju ietekmi uz vidi. Noslēguma ziņojums. - Geo Consultants, ELLE. - 2001.

Austrumlatgales reģiona sadzīves atkritumu apglabāšanas poligona ietekmes uz vidi novērtējums. Ievadziņojums. - ELLE. - 2000.




How to Cite

A. Metlāns and E. Teirumnieks, “EAST LATGALE SAA PROJECT”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 80–84, Jun. 2001, doi: 10.17770/etr2001vol1.1940.