Aeroexpress public transport system introduction in Almaty and its impact on greenhouse gases emissions decrease in Almaty city transport sector


  • Vera Rakova
  • Xeniya Rakova Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University (RU)
  • Tatyana Musorina Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University (RU)



public transport, greenhouse gases, pollutants, emissions decrease, sustainable transport


In Almaty, there are currently more than 500,000 vehicles registered and there is an average of another 200,000 vehicles that enter the city from outlying Almaty Oblasts during working hours. The road network of Almaty has not grown since 1990 when the municipality estimated the number of cars in Almaty to be 100,000.

Almaty public transport system degrade and became ineffective with significant loss of safety and comfort level by the reason of privatization and occurring of “shadow” taxi at the service market. [1]

Almaty airport is not connected with railway stations Almaty 1, Almaty 2 and city center by a straight and comfortable public transport route. Thus, the prevailing number of airport visitors prefer travelling on personal transport or taxi. Which is, in turn, brings a negative environmental loads. In current circumstances, the Moscow Aeroexpress transport analogue may become a good solution for Almaty.



. Republic of Kazakhstan United Nations Development Programme “City of Almaty Sustainable Transport” PROJECT DOCUMENT

. International News Agency Kazinform “N. Nazarbayev proposed to cut funding of Universidad and underground construction”, 11 February of 2015, 13:27

. News Agency Interfax “Almaty Airport increased passenger flow on 6% in 2014 year” 20 January of 2015 year

. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventories”

.Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Energy document project “Road transport GHG atmosphere emissions and emissions reduction calculation methodology”

. “Rate of petroleum, oil and lubricants use for automobile transport ownership” document №1210 stated by the Republic of Kazakhstan government on August, 11 of 2009.

. Finnish Environment Institute Air Pollutant Emission Factor Library

. Google maps service,76.9480809,13z

. Public transport administration press service and “Almaty center of information technologies”, LLP joint project.

.Passengers internet service “Za”:

. I. K. Kikoin “Tables of physical quantities. Data book.” Moscow: Atmoizdat, 1976. - 1008 p.

. Almaty underground official web page:




How to Cite

V. Rakova, X. Rakova, and T. Musorina, “Aeroexpress public transport system introduction in Almaty and its impact on greenhouse gases emissions decrease in Almaty city transport sector”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 251–255, Jun. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2015vol2.239.