
  • Laila Niedrite University of Latvia, Faculty of Computing (LV)
  • Darja Solodovnikova University of Latvia, Faculty of Computing (LV)



research evaluation, research metrics, data integration, information system, data quality


The measuring of research results can be used in different ways e.g. for assignment of research grants and afterwards for evaluation of project’s results. It can be used also for recruiting or promoting research institutions’ staff. Because of a wide usage of such measurement, the selection of appropriate measures is important. At the same time there does not exist a common view which metrics should be used in this field, moreover many existing metrics that are widely used are often misleading due to different reasons, e.g. computed from incomplete or faulty data, the metric’s computation formula may be invalid or the computation results can be interpreted wrongly. To produce a good framework for research evaluation, the mentioned problems must be solved in the best possible way by integrating data from different sources to get comprehensive view of academic institutions’ research activities and to solve data quality problems. We will present a data integration system that integrates university information system with library information system and with data that are gathered through API from Scopus and Web of Science databases. Data integration problems and data quality problems that we have faced are described and possible solutions are presented. Metrics that are defined and computed over these integrated data and their analysis possibilities are also discussed.



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How to Cite

L. Niedrite and D. Solodovnikova, “UNIVERSITY IS ARCHITECTURE FOR THE RESEARCH EVALUATION SUPPORT”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 112–117, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol2.2528.