
  • Zofija Jankauskienė Upytė Experimental Station of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LT)
  • Elvyra Gruzdevienė Upytė Experimental Station of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LT)
  • Ernestas Maumevičius Aleksandras Stulginskis University (LT)
  • Iryna M. Layko Research Station of Bast Crops of IA Northern East NAAS (UA)



Cannabis sativa L., density, fibre, quality, seed rate, variety


The investigation on hemp fibre quantity and quality as influenced by genotype and seed rate was carried out at the Upytė Experimental Station Lithuanian of the Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry in 2014. Bi-factorial trial was carried out: Factor A – variety (A1 – USO 31; A2 – Bialobrzeskie); Factor B – sowing rate (B1 – 45 kg ha-1; B2 – 70 kg ha-1). Data showed that variety (genotype) had a significant influence on fibre content (after dew-retting as well after water-retting) – it was higher for variety Bialobrzeskie and amounted to 37.2 and 34.5%, respectively. Seed rate (or crop density) did not show significant influence neither on fibre content nor on fibre quality (flexibility, strength) parameters.



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How to Cite

Z. Jankauskienė, E. Gruzdevienė, E. Maumevičius, and I. M. Layko, “INVESTIGATION OF HEMP (CANNABIS SATIVA L.) FIBRE QUANTITY AND QUALITY AS INFLUENCED BY GENOTYPE AND SEED RATE”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 125–128, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol1.2530.