
  • Sergei Loginov Pskov State University, Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems (RU)
  • Yuri Zhuravlyov Pskov State University, Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems (RU)
  • Yulia Domracheva Pskov State University, Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems (RU)
  • Dmitriy Fedorov Pskov State University, Department of Electric Drive and Automation Systems (RU)



active magnate bearing, adaptive control system


Active magnetic bearing is the electromechanical device allowing to suspend the rotor of the electric machine. Friction is eliminated and high speed of rotation can be achieved. However, the parameters of the electromechanical system may change during operation. Adaptive control system allows to maintain stability under varying parameters.
Supporting Agencies
This study was partly supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Project “Development of the Bearingless Synchronous Electrical Machine Theory Foundations” No. 2014/700



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How to Cite

S. Loginov, Y. Zhuravlyov, Y. Domracheva, and D. Fedorov, “ADAPTIVE CONTROL OF THE 1-DOF ACTIVE MAGNETIC BEARING”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 188–191, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol3.2564.