
  • Petko Mashkov University of Ruse (BG)
  • Hristo Beloev University of Ruse (BG)
  • Berkant Gyoch University of Ruse (BG)
  • Tamara Pencheva University of Ruse (BG)




Healthy illumination, LEDs’ thermal management, Power LEDs


The goal of this work is research and development of light sources suitable for use in hospitals, nursing homes, hospices and other similar institutions. During the day spectral power distribution (SPD) of this type luminaire needs to simulate natural day light that affects the natural circadian rhythm of humans. Maintaining the natural circadian rhythm impacts positive on human health, improves mood, prevents the development of depression and helps to overcome them. In the late afternoon increase light in the red-orange part. Light of this kind of spectral composition doesn’t inhibit melatonin production and the human body naturally prepares for rest and sleep. At night artificial lighting should be in the red - orange area to enable patients to sleep and staff to fulfill their obligations. Theoretical analysis and selection of suitable LEDs for the realization of the luminaire with the desired characteristics are made. Performed experimental studies make possible achieving the desired characteristics of light and appropriate LEDs’ modes of operation.
Supporting Agencies
The National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science of Bulgaria, is gratefully acknowledged for the financial support of research project DFNI – B02/2 2014




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How to Cite

P. Mashkov, H. Beloev, B. Gyoch, and T. Pencheva, “LED LAMP FOR APPLICATION IN MEDICAL CENTERS – DESIGN AND THERMAL MANAGEMENT”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 207–212, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol3.2579.