
  • Yulia Usherenko Belarusian National Technical University (BY)
  • Sergei Usherenko Belarusian National Technical University (BY)
  • Vladimir Dashkevich Belarusian National Technical University (BY)
  • Javad Yazdani Belarusian National Technical University (BY)



super-deep penetration, SDP, nitriding, intensification, powders, dynamic loading


The article considers the possibility of pre-activation of the steel surface before nitriding. A complex dynamic method of material activation with a high-speed flow of powder particles (super deep penetration) was used. To exclude the influence of alloying elements, low-carbon steel (2% wt. C) was chosen as the initial material. Powders of NaF (> 250 μm) and Pb (<200 μm) were used as material of powder flow. Research of samples structure revealed the penetration of Pb particles through the depth of samples with the formation of channel elements and the absence of NaF powder traces. Microhardness measurements have shown that using of NaF powder leads to activation of the nitriding process and to increase of hardness of the resulting nitrided layer, while using of Pb powder leads to inhibition of diffusion activity and decrease in the hardness of the nitrided layer. Application of too coarse fraction of NaF resulted in particles sticking to the surface of the sample that reduced the thickness of the nitrided layer. The necessity of using a finer-dispersed fraction of NaF in the future is shown.



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How to Cite

Y. Usherenko, S. Usherenko, V. Dashkevich, and J. Yazdani, “USING DYNAMIC PRE-ACTIVATION OF STEEL SURFACES FOR NITRIDING INTENSIFICATION”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 321–324, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol3.2616.