
  • Eva Namsone Riga Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Materials and Structures (LV)
  • Genadijs Sahmenko Riga Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Materials and Structures (LV)
  • Elvija Namsone Riga Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Materials and Structures (LV)
  • Aleksandrs Korjakins Riga Technical University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Institute of Materials and Structures (LV)



porous aggregate, microstructure, foamed concrete, expanded glass, thermal conductivity


The paper reports a study, which was carried out to examine thermal and frost resistance properties of foamed concrete (FC) with porous aggregate (expanded glass (EG) granules and cenospheres). By adding lightweight and porous aggregate to the FC mixture, it is possible to improve important physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of the prepared FC specimens. In the framework of this study the coefficient of thermal conductivity and frost resistance of hardened FC samples were determined. The structure of FC matrix and used aggregates were characterised by using a method of optical microscopy.
Supporting Agencies
The financial support of European Regional Development Fund project Nr. "A New Concept for Sustainable and Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings" is acknowledged



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How to Cite

E. Namsone, G. Sahmenko, E. Namsone, and A. Korjakins, “THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY AND FROST RESISTANCE OF FOAMED CONCRETE WITH POROUS AGGREGATE”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 222–228, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol3.2625.