
  • Aleksejs Jurenoks Riga Technical University (LV)



Energy Efficiency, Fuzzy logic, Sensow network


“Smart houses” have widely established their position as a research field during the last decade. Nowadays the technical solutions related to energy resource management are being rapidly developed and integrated into the daily lives of people. The energy resource management systems use sensor networks for receiving and processing information during the realia time. Smart house adaptive and intelligent solutions has advanced towards common environment, which can take care of the inhabitants’ well-being in numerous ways. This paper propose to use a context sensitive and proactive fuzzy control system for controlling the automation processes in smart house environment. The designed monitoring system has adaptive and intelligent options, and it can operate using real time information received from sensors. The system is designed to operate fully in the background and can be installed to any exiting working system. This paper describes a central heating boiler control system implemented using the fuzzy control system designed. Author concentrates on the basic operation of such systems and present findings from the design process and initial tests.
Supporting Agencies
This work is partly funded by Latvian Council of Science project Z12.0342 "Development of Models and Methods Based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management and Advanced Web Technologies for Applied Intelligent Software



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How to Cite

A. Jurenoks, “INTELLIGENT AND ADAPTIVE FUZZY CONTROL SYSTEM FOR ENERGY EFFICIENT HOMES”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 134–139, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol1.2631.