
  • Rasma Tretjakova Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Research Center Chemical, Biology and Biotechnology (LV)
  • Samanta Marija Misiņa Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Research Center Chemical, Biology and Biotechnology (LV)
  • Jevgenijs Lukašenoks Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Faculty of Engineering, Research Center Chemical, Biology and Biotechnology (LV)



blue clay, chemical properties, biological properties


In this paper the chemical and biological properties of the lake blue clay are explored. A blue clay bed layer was found under the sapropel layer in the lake Plusons (area 4.8 km2, Ludza countries, Latvia). It has been determined that the lake Plusons blue clay has a colloid composition, which contains Na, Mg, K, Ca, Fe, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Al, Ag, Ba. In samples Candida albicans, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and a total number of aerobic mezofile bacterium have been defined. In microbiological analyses the presence of Candida albicans, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Staphilacoccus aureus has not been stated. The number of mesophyll aerobic microorganisms is <1 CFU/0.1 g. Based on feasibility analysis Latgale lake blue clay has a high potential for its use in cosmetics and medicine.



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How to Cite

R. Tretjakova, S. M. Misiņa, and J. Lukašenoks, “CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF THE LAKE BLUE CLAY”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 296–300, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol1.2635.