
  • Dace Ržepicka Department of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering, Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)
  • Aija Ziemeļniece Department of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Faculty of Environment and Civil Engineering, Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)



urban structure, language of the form creation, urban scale and space, industrial heritage


Today, the historic Trade Canal in Liepāja begins to rapidly recover the character of an outdoor public space of an aesthetically high quality. After the two devastating world wars, the industrial heritage has only remained along the left bank of the canal, requiring a very gentle treatment of the cultural and historical values. The new industrial building that has occupied both banks of the canal from the 60s-70s of the 20th century strongly contrast with the historic building scale, materials, and the application of the architecturally compositional elements. The modern construction technologies can build powerful allegoric comparisons in the language of the architectural form building. This applies both to the wide glazing of the building facade, the curved facade shapes, the structure of the covering material, the green areas, etc.. The revival of the left bank of the canal is a good challenge to also recover the historic urban space on the right bank of the canal or at the side of Jaunliepāja. Currently, this waterfront of the canal, which is untouched by the war, consists of a circumferentially dense production area.



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How to Cite

D. Ržepicka and A. Ziemeļniece, “CONTEXT OF TRADE CANAL AND INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE IN LIEPAJA”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 253–258, Jun. 2017, doi: 10.17770/etr2017vol1.2649.