
  • Artjoms Suponenkovs Department of Computer Control Systems, Riga Technical University (LV)
  • Mihails Kovalovs Department of Image Processing and Computer Graphics, Riga Technical University (LV)
  • Zigurds Markovics Department of Computer Control Systems, Riga Technical University (LV)



computer vision, image pre - processing, fish analysis, pile manipulation, occlusion boundaries, image segmentation


Modern robots can perform uncreative monotonous tasks. One of such tasks is pile manipulation. Computer vision technologies can help robots acquire additional information by analyzing a pile of complex objects. One of such complex objects is a fish. The presented work investigates the problems of complex object analysis using computer vision. This paper addresses the challenges of image pre-processing, image segmentation, fish detection and occlusion detection. This work results can be useful for developing a computer vision system for pile manipulation.



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How to Cite

A. Suponenkovs, M. Kovalovs, and Z. Markovics, “APPLICATION OF COMPUTER VISION TECHNOLOGIES FOR AUTONOMOUS PILE MANIPULATION”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 159–164, Jun. 2019, doi: 10.17770/etr2019vol2.4033.