
  • Jānis Pekša Riga Technical University, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Institute of Information Technology (LV)



missing data, time-series, forecasting


Observations collected from meteorological stations that are available to road maintainers and used for experimental purposes in this paper. Unfortunately, these observations are insufficient to make good forecasting that is needed for road maintainers. Those meteorological stations are located next to the road surface in the territory of the Republic of Latvia. The road maintainers can make forecasting using this data what is needed for the winter months. It is up to the road maintainers in winter months to process decision-making on road surface smudging with anti-slip chemical materials. The missing data in each meteorological station exists from time to time. The paper represents the possibility of using several approaches to fill out these missing data. This process is needed to be more accurate in predicting specific parameters aggregated from meteorological stations. These approaches are compared between the three closest meteorological stations available in the Republic of Latvia. The relevant data are for the winter months of 2017-2018. To conclude which is more accurate with VAS "Latvijas valsts celi" data set.



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How to Cite

J. Pekša, “FORECASTING MISSING DATA USING DIFFERENT METHODS FOR ROAD MAINTAINERS”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 104–108, Jun. 2019, doi: 10.17770/etr2019vol2.4120.