
  • Andrey Perminov Department of Electric Coupling and Automation Systems Pskov State University Pskov (RU)
  • Alexander Ilyin Department of Electric Coupling and Automation Systems Pskov State University Pskov (RU)
  • Sergey Tikhonov Department of Automobile Transport Pskov State University Pskov (RU)
  • Dmitriy Fedorov Department of Electric Coupling and Automation Systems Pskov State University Pskov (RU)
  • Sergey Drozdov Department of Electric Coupling and Automation Systems Pskov State University Pskov (RU)



rotary expansion machine, gas dynamics, mathematical model


In this article, a mathematical model of working fluid inlet into chamber of rotary expansion machine from source of superheated steam. The main practical problem that can be solved on the basis of this model is to determine dependence of torque on the angular velocity, i.e. in the construction of mechanical characteristics of rotary expansion machine.




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How to Cite

A. Perminov, A. Ilyin, S. Tikhonov, D. Fedorov, and S. Drozdov, “GAS DYNAMICS OF WORKING FLUID INLET INTO CHAMBER OF ROTARY EXPANSION MACHINE”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 266–269, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.17770/etr2021vol3.6514.