
  • Artem Iukhno Russian Federal State Budgetary Organization “State Hydrological Institute” (SHI) 199053 Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Vasilyevsky Island, 2nd line, 23 (RU)
  • Sergei Buzmakov Russian Federal State Budgetary Organization “State Hydrological Institute” (SHI) 199053 Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Vasilyevsky Island, 2nd line, 23 (RU)
  • Alisa Zorina Russian Federal State Budgetary Organization “State Hydrological Institute” (SHI) 199053 Russian Federation, St. Petersburg, Vasilyevsky Island, 2nd line, 23 (RU)



water discharge, non-contact measurements, Doppler radars, non-intrusive river velocimetry


The use of non-contact doppler flow radars to determine water discharge is a widespread trend in hydrometeorological surveying and monitoring. However, is it reasonable to consider such an instrument as one of the most suitable and perspective for the hydrological observation network? In-situ testing have been carrying out by authors of this article and the analysis performed in scientific papers cannot provide a single-valued positive conclusion on this issue. Obvious advantage of these radars as independent safe mode of operation seems to overweight their obvious weak points. Many "undercurrents" do not allow this method to be recognized as reliable, such as the problem of transition from surface to medium flow velocities, which consists in the data processing apparatus, reliable positioning of the device, blanking distance task and etc. All in all, this article discusses the main advantages and "vulnerabilities" of the use of such an instrument as non-contact doppler radars to determine water discharge from a scientific and practical points of view.


Supporting Agencies
Employees of the Hydrological Instruments Laboratory of the State Hydrological Institute are open to further cooperation in the field of hydrological surveys and monitoring, share experience and improve their qualifications, keeping a dialogue with experts from all over the world. You can contact us using this email, or emails indicated in the title of the article.



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How to Cite

A. Iukhno, S. Buzmakov, and A. Zorina, “DOPPLER NON-CONTACT RADAR SENSORS FOR WATER DISCHARGE ESTIMATION: ADVANTAGES AND LIMITATIONS”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 124–129, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.17770/etr2021vol3.6616.