
  • Santa Lemsa Department of Economics and Business, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (LV)



advanced analytics, analytics maturity, maturity models, maturity assessment


Significance to understand the advanced analytics ecosystem maturity is increasing caused by constantly growing data volumes and demand for advanced analytics including automated decision making based on data or process automation. The analytics maturity assessment helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of the organization’s analytics ecosystem and can provide detailed action plan to move to the next level. The focus of the paper is to review and analyse analytics maturity models to assess their application as frame to build a new analytics maturity model or replicate with time adjustment any of reviewed models. The literature review and publicly available assessment models provided by analytics sector were used to review and analyse analytics maturity models.  Fifteen models were reviewed and four of them analysed by twelve characteristics. Summary of four models includes analytics maturity levels, domains, accessibility of questionnaire, discloser of maturity level detection and authors assessment of several characteristics. Comprehensive descriptions of analytics maturity levels were available for many models. Solid recommendation sets for each maturity level provided for the most disclosed models. One of the most important components, approach to detect specific maturity level, was not transparent or disclosed with limitations. However, it is possible to develop a new model or replicate in some extent based on models reviewed in this paper, but it requires extensive professional experience in advanced analytics and related functions.




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How to Cite

S. Lemsa, “CHALLENGES OF ADVANCED ANALYTICS MATURITY MODEL DEVELOPMENT”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 88–92, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.17770/etr2021vol2.6621.