
  • Sharif E. Guseynov Faculty of Science and Engineering; Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies, Liepaja University (LV)
  • Ruslans Aleksejevs Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU)
  • Sergey Matyukhin Department of Technical Physics and Mathematics, Orel State University (RU)
  • Jekaterina Aleksejeva Institute of Science and Innovative Technologies, Liepaja University and Riga Secondary School 34 (LV)
  • Galina Semenova Department of Technical Physics and Mathematics, Orel State University (RU)




Optimization problem, Pareto-optimal decision-making, guaranteed harvest, cereal crops


In the present work, we construct and study a mathematical model for one important agrarian problem of grain production, in which it is necessary to obtain such a guaranteed harvest of crops, the yield of which depends on soil-climatic conditions, so that the gross income from the sale of the grown crop is maximum. The constructed mathematical model is a multi-criteria optimization problem (with five criteria), and it can be attributed to optimal control, in which the controlled parameters are the kind and proportion of crops to be sown. Based on the results obtained, a concrete example is implemented using the application package Mathcad, version

Supporting Agencies
The authors of this work would like to express their gratitude to Ms.Sc.Comp. Sergey A. Andreev for valuable scientific advices concerning implementation of the proposed mathematical model in softwares, especially in Mathcad. Also, the authors of this work would like to express their gratitude to the anonymous reviewers for their equitable critical comments and valuable advices, which we took into account with gratitude. This work was carried out within the partial financial support from the European Regional Development Fund Project No. "Promotion of research, innovation and international cooperation in science at Liepaja University".



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How to Cite

S. E. Guseynov, R. Aleksejevs, S. Matyukhin, J. Aleksejeva, and G. Semenova, “ON ONE SCIENTIFICALLY BASED SOWING MANAGEMENT FOR GETTING PARETO-OPTIMAL CROPS HARVEST”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 62–71, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.17770/etr2021vol1.6647.