
  • Karin Robam Division of Mining and Mineral Technology, Tallinn University of Technology (EE)
  • Tony Hand Division of Mining and Mineral Technology, Tallinn University of Technology (EE)
  • Veiko Karu Division of Mining and Mineral Technology, Tallinn University of Technology (EE)




engineers, mining, T-shaped


The importance of minerals and metals in the development of technologies vital for modern society to function and for increasing clean energy needs, cannot be understated. However, what is the level of knowledge of people working in this field, and how can we be sure that these people also update their knowledge continuously? There is a growing need for educated employees and engineers with a knowledge of wider issues associated with the mining sector. To align the competence of university graduates and employees with what is required in the labour market, it is necessary to develop a vocational system that identifies the competence of these mining-related occupations and incorporate new systems and ways of thinking, particularly in sustainability issues. Professional standards create opportunities for assessing competence. An occupational qualification standard describes the relevant occupational activity and competence necessary for practicing an occupation, i.e., skills, knowledge, and attitudes. When challenging work needs to be done, engineers with a deeper knowledge are needed, this is where the T-shaped professional comes in. The requirement for flexible and adaptable current and future employees is vital for the extractive sector and all the downstream industries that rely on raw materials to produce the goods and services that keep society moving. This article examines the importance of the T-shaped professional in the mining industry.




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How to Cite

K. Robam, T. Hand, and V. Karu, “WHY T-SHAPED ENGINEERS IN THE MINING SECTOR ARE VITAL FOR PROGRESS”., ETR, vol. 2, pp. 193–195, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.17770/etr2023vol2.7269.