
  • Irina Maksymova State University of Economics and Technology (UA)
  • Iveta Mietule Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)
  • Volodymyr Kulishov State University of Economics and Technology (UA)



Climate neutrality, green economy, eco-digital, twin transition


The research reveals practical side of a twin green and digital transition in terms of a global path to climate neutral economy. Digitalization is considered as a driving force behind the transition towards a low-carbon economy. The article focuses on wide international experience of IT implementation for industrial decarbonization. Analytical database of the research covers more than 200 different eco-digital projects in various areas of climate regulations given by international organizations. This allows to outline international framework of eco-digital projects based on geolocation, regional features, IT decisions, level of technological support and climate influence. International differentiation of climate-digital projects was established by region. Comprehensive analysis of these data is provided to identify the gap in digital capabilities and climate targets. The rating of IT applied in climate-digital projects was built. As a result, the research proposes key project ways of the twin green and digital transition that are the most attractive for achieving climate neutrality on a global scale.





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How to Cite

I. Maksymova, I. Mietule, and V. Kulishov, “DIGITAL SOLUTIONS FOR A CLIMATE NEUTRAL ECONOMY: INTERNATIONAL FRAMEWORK OF ECO-DIGITAL PROJECTS”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 123–127, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.17770/etr2023vol1.7291.