
  • Andris Skromulis Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Institute of Engineering (LV)
  • Juris Breidaks Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (LV)
  • Mārtiņš Puķītis Institute of Electronics and Computer Science (LV)




Wetlands, raised bogs, Sentinel-2, Semi-supervised classification, K-means, credibility


In the article, the possible impact of changes on wetland were analysed by the semi-supervised classification method of statistical analysis. The Sentinel-2 raw data between two different seasons are combined together. The data preparation is shortly described in the article. Data is clustered with unsupervised method. The article describes a supervised method – how data credibility and classification can be estimated if its reference is poor quality.




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How to Cite

A. Skromulis, J. Breidaks, and M. Puķītis, “WETLAND CHANGE DETECTION USING SENTINEL-2 IN THE PART OF LATVIA”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 209–213, Jun. 2023, doi: 10.17770/etr2023vol1.7305.