
  • Oleg Kucher Educational and Scientific Institute Of Business and Finance, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»
  • Lyudmyla Mykhailova Faculty of Energy and Information Technologies, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»; (UA)
  • Zoya Pustova Faculty of Agrotechnology and Nature Management, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»; (UA)
  • Serhii Yermakov Educational and Scientific Laboratory “DAK GPS”, Higher educational institution «Podillia State University»; (UA)
  • Volodymyr Mazur International Tourism and Hospitality Business, West Ukrainian National University, B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations (UA)



solar power, photovoltaic power station households, financial model, "green" tariff


Solar power is one of the fast-growing promising areas of renewable energy use. The article is devoted to the use of solar radiation energy in private households of Ukraine. It is noted that the amount of solar radiation is high enough to create solar power facilities throughout Ukraine.

Based on the results of the research, it was found that households that have installed photovoltaic power station are fully self-sufficient in electricity and are the most energy efficient, as the surplus of environmentally clean electricity produced is sold at a "green" tariff. Based on the data of the study of the state of installation of solar power plant in private households, has been made a forecast of the development potential of this electricity sector for the period up to 2024.

On the basis of the conducted research, it can be stated that the use of solar power in private households has a sufficiently large perspective to ensure which it is advisable to introduce a net-metering system in Ukraine, which includes the free sale of surplus energy produced on the market with the possibility of "taking" it from this market later.

Supporting Agencies
Polish National Commission for UNESCO


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How to Cite

O. Kucher, L. Mykhailova, Z. Pustova, S. Yermakov, and V. Mazur, “MANAGEMENT OF THE SOLAR POWER DEVELOPMENT IN HOUSEHOLDS OF UKRAINE”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 222–226, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol1.7964.