
  • Kalina Kamarska Department of Mathematics,Physics,Chemistry, Technical University–Sofia, Branch Plovdiv (BG)
  • Iva Naydenova Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Technical University–Sofia, Branch Plovdiv (BG)
  • Ivalina Petrova Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Technical University–Sofia, Branch Plovdiv (BG)
  • Georgi Dobrev Department of Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Technical University–Sofia, Branch Plovdiv (BG)



corrosion inhibition, aluminum alloy, mathematical model, anthocyanins


The paper presents the results from a study of the possibility to use Bilberries anthocyanins as a corrosion inhibitor for aluminum alloy EN AW-2024 in 1 М solution of HCl. In this study the model system between Bilberries anthocyanins and metal was investigated. The inhibitory effect of Bilberries anthocyanins on the corrosion of aluminum alloy EN AW-2024 in 1M HCl was investigated by electrochemical methods and mathematical analysis to validate the results. The absorption was determined from 25 oC. The results show that Bilberries anthocyanins exhibits a good inhibitory effect on the corrosion of the aluminium alloy EN AW-2024 in 1M HCl. The reason for the good inhibitory effect is the adsorption of the inhibitor molecules on the surface of the aluminum alloy.


Supporting Agencies
The author would like to thank the Research and Development Sector at the Technical University of Sofia for the financial support.



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How to Cite

K. Kamarska, I. Naydenova, I. Petrova, and G. Dobrev, “STUDY OF AN ANTHOCYANINS AS A CORROSION INHIBITOR FOR ALUMINUM ALLOY EN AW-2024 IN ACIDIC MEDIA”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 109–113, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol3.8130.