
  • Mihail Zagorski Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of industrial technology; “AI and CAD systems Lab”, R&D&I Consortium, Sofia Tech Park (BG)
  • Radoslav Miltchev Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of industrial technology; “AI and CAD systems Lab”, R&D&I Consortium, Sofia Tech Park (BG)




3D scanner, industrial, quadruped robot, autonomous robotic system


The present paper aims to examine how industrial sites can be more easily 3D scanned by integrating a self-moving autonomous robotic system and a large scale scanning technique. A case study is developed where an Unitree Go 1 Edu quadruped robot and a Trimble X7 3D laser scanning system are combined to illustrate the successful integration. For the full integration of the 3D scanner and the robot, several components are designed, using CAD software, and produced via Rapid Prototyping technologies. In the case study, different 3D scanning regimes are also tested.  The case study showcases how the industrial 3D scanning process can be aided and potential ideas for the integration of 3D scanning technologies with quadruped robots are further discussed in the paper.

Supporting Agencies
This research work has been accomplished with the financial support of the National Science Fund of Bulgaria under Project KP-06-N67/8 “Development of a fluid-structural methodology for the study and modernization of HYDRAulic turbomachines, through the TECHnologies of virtual prototyping – HydraTech”. The authors would like to thank the Artificial Intelligence and CAD Systems Laboratory at Research & Development & Innovation Consortium at Sofia Tech Park for supporting of the presented research.



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How to Cite

M. Zagorski and R. Miltchev, “FACILITATION OF THE 3D SCANNING PROCESS OF INDUSTRIAL SITES USING A SELF-MOVING AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC SYSTEM”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 348–351, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol3.8131.