
  • Yana Mourdjeva Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Materials Testing and Analyses (BG)
  • Kateryna Valuiska Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Materials Testing and Analyses (BG)
  • Yoanna Kostova Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Materials Testing and Analyses (BG)
  • Vanya Dyakova Institute of Metal Science, Equipment, and Technologies with Hydro- and Aerodynamics Centre “Acad. A. Balevski” at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Materials Testing and Analyses (BG)



amorphous, nanocrystalline, phase analysis


Two types of rapidly solidified ribbons were obtained from the systems Al-Ni-Si and Al-Ni-Si-Cu. By XRD, TEM and DSC analysis the ribbons were proved to be amorphous. By annealing at 350⁰C nanocrystalline alloys were obtained. It was found that when the amorphous alloys are annealed at 190⁰C and 220⁰C, an unknown metastable hexagonal phase is presented, which could not be identified when annealing at 350⁰C is provided. Both studied alloys Al74Ni16Si10 and Al74Ni15Si9Cu9 show that when annealed at 190°C a residual amorphous phase is observed. It is located mainly at the phase boundaries.

Supporting Agencies
This study is funded by the project “Study of the rheological and corrosion behavior of amorphous and nanocrystalline aluminum-based alloys”, Contract with BNSF №KP-06-H37/13 of 06 December 2019.



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How to Cite

Y. Mourdjeva, K. Valuiska, Y. Kostova, and V. Dyakova, “DETAILED MICROSTRUCTURAL STUDIES OF AMORPHOUS AL-NI-SI AND AL-NI-SI-CU ALLOYS DURING CRYSTALLIZATION”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 166–169, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol3.8166.