
  • Gatis Tutins Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)
  • Imants Adijans Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)
  • Emil Yankov Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)
  • Artis Bikovs Faculty of Engineering, Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV)



AISI 304, Fiber laser, Laser color marking, LIPSS, Surface roughness


Austenitic steels are widely used in machine and tool making, and many of the products produced are marked with ink or impact marking systems. This study aims to investigate contrast color marking methods using advanced, environmentally friendly fiber laser systems.

We developed marking matrices with 14 columns and 6 rows, each square measuring 5x5 mm. We investigated the effect of scanning speed, laser power and frequency on color marking and surface roughness. Our results showed that increasing the scanning speed leads to a decrease roughness, resulting in different colored markings. As the average power increased, the marking changed to different colors. At low frequencies of 50 kHz, the color marking was observed with a lower contrast saturation, while increasing the frequency to 300 kHz resulted in a more homogeneous and contrast with brighter and more saturated colors. These results provide valuable information for improving color marking techniques using laser systems in the manufacturing industry.




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How to Cite

G. Tutins, I. Adijans, E. Yankov, and A. Bikovs, “INVESTIGATION OF THE EFFECT OF LASER POWER, SPEED AND FREQUENCY ON SURFACE ROUGHNESS AND COLOR MARKING ON AISI 304”, ETR, vol. 3, pp. 460–464, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol3.8174.