
  • Ivo Radulov Rakovski National Defence College, Defence Advanced Research Institute (BG)



Modelling, Capability-based defence planning, E-nets


The realization of the planned level of effectiveness of decisions in the field of defence, and thus the development of the necessary defence capabilities, depends and is determined to a significant extent by the quality of defence planning and the implementation of the transformation of the armed forces. This feature is of crucial relevance in the uncertain future security environment. The preservation and development of defence capabilities in response to threats and commitments to national and global security, under conditions of severe constraints on available resources, necessitates a search for adequate methods to enhance the effectiveness of the defence planning process.

The purpose of this publication is to present an revised model of the Defence Planning System used in the Ministry of Defence and the Bulgarian Army. The model is presented with tools for formal description and analysis. An analysis of the activities is performed. The formed model of the future state (To-Be) has been verified for adequacy, completeness, and consistency using the presented methodology.

Revised model has been adopted as the main methodology for the Strategic Defence Review of the Ministry of Defence and the Bulgarian Army from 2019-2021.

Supporting Agencies
The document was developed under the National Scientific Programme "Security and Defence", funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria in implementation of the National Strategy for the Development of Scientific Research 2017-2030, adopted by Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 731 of 21 October 2021.


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Capability-based defence planning guidance, Mar. 22, 2019. [Online], Available: [Accessed April 05, 2024].

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How to Cite

I. Radulov, “MODELLING OF CAPABILITY-BASED DEFENCE PLANNING PROCESSES”, ETR, vol. 4, pp. 218–223, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol4.8214.