
  • Zarko Zdravkov National Defense College "G. S. Rakovski" (BG)
  • Anelia Atipova National Defense College "G. S. Rakovski" (BG)



strategic planning, evaluation methodology, strategic document, national strategy


The nature of the strategic documents and the mechanisms for their updating require improvement of the strategic planning apparatus. Despite the existing actions in this direction, there is still no universal state standard and mature regulatory framework to harmonize and regulate the entire process in the Republic of Bulgaria. The report summarizes efforts to create a new toolkit bringing together proven practices in the subject area. A Methodology for the evaluation of strategic documents is presented, which offers a comprehensive and systematized approach to the evaluation of conformity according to the procedure of creation, structure, consistency, content and attainability.

Supporting Agencies
The Methodology for evaluating strategic documents was created in implementation of the National Scientific Program "Security and Defense", Component 3 "Defense and Protection of the Population in Disasters and Accidents", Work Package 3.2 "Doctrines and Strategies", Work Task, 3.2.1. “Exploring Security Concepts, Doctrines, and Strategies. Modeling the National Security System”.



COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT Performance, monitoring and evaluation of the European Regional Development Fund, the Cohesion Fund and the Just Transition Fund in 2021-2027, [Accessed March 13, 2022].

UN Sustainable Development Goals, [Accessed March 15, 2022].

European Strategy for Sustainable Development, [Accessed March 13, 2022].

Strategic Concept of NATO 2022, [Accessed August 24, 2022].

ISO 31000:2018, International Risk Management Standard [Accessed April 16, 2022].

IEC 31010:2019 Risk management. Risk assessment techniques

Julian Talbot, “What’s right with risk matrices?”, July 9, 2017,What's right with risk matrices? ( [Accessed February 23, 2022].

Team Asana,What is a risk register: a project manager’s guide (and example), December 5th, 2022,Risk Register: A Project Manager’s Guide with Examples [2023] [Accessed February 23, 2022].

Methodology for strategic planning in the Republic of Bulgaria, [Accessed April 17, 2022].

Draft Law on Strategic Planning in the Republic of Bulgaria [Accessed April 17, 2022].

BLUF: The Military Standard That Can Make Your Writing More Powerful, [Accessed April 18, 2022].

Z. Zdravkov, A. Atipova, S. Stoykov, Assesment of the actualized national security strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria, International Conference on Advanced Research and Technology for defence - ARTDEF 2023, ISSN 2815-2581




How to Cite

Z. Zdravkov and A. Atipova, “METHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATION OF STRATEGIC DOCUMENTS”, ETR, vol. 4, pp. 312–316, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol4.8218.