
  • Grigor Grigorov Logictic and Technology Faculty, Vasil Levski National Military University (BG)



military profession, motivation, personnel


Changes in the security environment and opportunities in the modern world present increasing challenges for the armed forces of democratic states to staff their structures. The article examines the issues related to the motivation for choosing the military career of an officer. Based on a survey conducted with cadet candidates and a comparative analysis with previous research, the main variables influencing the choice of the officer profession and joining the armed forces are derived. The obtained results could contribute to the improvement of the current system for motivating military personnel and increase the image of the military profession.


Supporting Agencies
The publication of the article was financed with funds provided by the National Security and Defence Science Program.



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How to Cite

G. Grigorov, “MOTIVATION FOR CHOOSING AN OFFICER CAREER”, ETR, vol. 4, pp. 95–100, Jun. 2024, doi: 10.17770/etr2024vol4.8227.