Development of Information Model of Forming Basic Educational Programs in the Light of Professional Competencies


  • Lilia Motaylenko FSG-fEIHPE “Pskov State University» (RU)
  • Olga Poletayeva FSG-fEIHPE “Pskov State University» (RU)
  • Sergey Lyokhin FSG-fEIHPE “Pskov State University» (RU)



information technologies, model, professional competencies


This paper describes the process of forming the basic educational programs to the professional competence of the proposed model based on a competency areas.



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How to Cite

L. Motaylenko, O. Poletayeva, and S. Lyokhin, “Development of Information Model of Forming Basic Educational Programs in the Light of Professional Competencies”, ETR, vol. 2, pp. 30–33, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2013vol2.858.