Biomass Yield of Different Plants for Biogass Production


  • Oskars Balodis Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)
  • Jānis Bartuševics Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)
  • Zinta Gaile Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)



biomass plants, species, varieties, harvest timing, yield


In order to investigate yield potential of plants probably suitable for biogas production preliminary field trials were carried out at Research and Study farm “Vecauce” in 2010 using eight annual plant species: maize, winter oil-seed rape, oil radish, sunflower, foxtail millet, millet, hemp and amaranth. All species (except oil radish) were represented with several varieties, and some species were harvested at 2-3 development stages. Obtained fresh biomass yield was from 33.05 (millet „Rudes‟) till 74.60 (amaranth „Raudonukai‟) t ha-1, but dry matter yield – from 6.98 (amaranth „Margiai‟) till 22.05 (winter oil-seed rape „Excalibur‟ at GS 85) t ha-1. It was self-evident that biomass yield substantially depended on used species, but also variety influence within the species was relevant. Our data clearly demonstrated substantial (p less then 0.05) harvest time influence by harvesting winter oil-seed rape and maize at three different times; the highest yield was obtained for rape at GS 85, but for maize – in early October. Studies are only at the initial stage and have to be continued.



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How to Cite

O. Balodis, J. Bartuševics, and Z. Gaile, “Biomass Yield of Different Plants for Biogass Production”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 238–245, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.884.