Optimization Of Sorbent System From Paper Mill Waste Short Fibers For Bioremediation Of Heavy Hydrocarbons In Soil


  • S. Grigiškis JSC „Biocentras (LT)
  • E. Baškys JSC „Biocentras (LT)
  • D. Levišauskas Kaunas University of Technology (LT)
  • M. Kavaliauskė JSC „Biocentras (LT)
  • O. Dižavičienė JSC „Biocentras (LT)
  • J. Aikaitė-Stanaitienė JSC „Biocentras (LT)




biosurfactant, heavy oil hydrocarbons, oil bioremediation, optimization, sorbent system


The aim was to develop a new improved Sorbent system (S-S) from organic sorbent material, nutrients, biosurfactant and microbial cell producing it for bioremediation of heavy oil hydrocarbons in various soil types. New sorbent material (S-M) was developed from paper mill short waste fibers because it requires very low energy to manufacture and the production costs of this S-M is extremely low compared to similar products in the market. S-M has good sorption characteristics for various oil products, is fully biodegradable, can be applied at sensitive environmental areas. S-M can be combined with microorganisms producing biosurfactant. The goal of investigations was to optimize S-S composition to minimize the leakage of heavy hydrocarbons to deeper soil layers or ground water. The optimal composition of S-S for all types of soil was determined: S-M 86.3-89.3%, microorganisms producing biosurfactant ≥ 107 CFU/g, biosurfactant solution – 3%, nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) 0.5 and 0.2%. Recommended optimal S-S moisture is 7%.


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How to Cite

S. Grigiškis, E. Baškys, D. Levišauskas, M. Kavaliauskė, O. Dižavičienė, and J. Aikaitė-Stanaitienė, “Optimization Of Sorbent System From Paper Mill Waste Short Fibers For Bioremediation Of Heavy Hydrocarbons In Soil”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 104–111, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.894.