The Technological Investigations Of Manufacturing Of Energy Chips


  • Ziedonis Miklašēvičs Rēzeknes Augstskola (LV)



energy chips, technological investigations


The methodology in Latvia forest industry provide to determine the quality of energy chips only in long- term storage places before selling. Due to the lack of hard empirical data about the quality parameters of energy chips in different phases of manufacturing process, this research paper consists of: - the identification and analyses of the factors that influenced the values of energy chips quality features such as: bulk density, moisture content, ash content, higher and lower heating value according to actual moisture content and per dry mass of the chips; - the methodology for determination the quality parameters of energy chips by analysis the wood moisture content and by choice the method of the manufacturing of energy chips.



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How to Cite

Z. Miklašēvičs, “The Technological Investigations Of Manufacturing Of Energy Chips”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 220–229, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.908.