System Analysis in the Environmental Science


  • Gotfrids Noviks Rezekne Higher Education Institution (LV)



Environmental science, biosphere, complex environment systems, ecology, environmental education, technosphere


The paper discusses the essence, structure, research objects, methods and aims of the environmental science. Due to interdisciplinary character of the environmental science, large scale term and vague boundaries with other sciences there are various definitions of environmental science and different concepts, sometime delusions in research fields and methods . Author analysed the current location of research objects in environmental science and their connection with other sciences and came to conclusion that up to nowadays there are not developed essential part of every independent science yet – general theoretical base of environmental science. It is necessary to find out perfect proper research fields and objects of environmental science, which differ from other natural , and technical sciencies. Analysis showed that the objects of environmental science must be neither nature nor technology itself but only contact zones between technosphere and biosphere –namely, between systems – technosystems and ecosystems . Exactly in these contact zones arises most environmental problems , conflicts and stresses between human activities and nature. The properties and processes in these zones obey to laws which must be determined, interpreted and used for mankind wealth. It is the aim of environmental science and the complex system analysis must be essential research methodology and accordingly system engineering as instrument for solving practical environmental problems.



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How to Cite

G. Noviks, “System Analysis in the Environmental Science”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 120–129, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.911.