Phosphorus Removal With Grass In An Apple Orchard Under Influence Of Mulch And Irrigation


  • Valentīna Surikova Latvian State Institute of Fruit growing (LV)
  • Aldis Kārkliņš Latvia University of Agriculture (LV)



Malus domestica Mill, mineral nutrition, nutrient uptake


Phosphorus leaching from intensive agriculture systems is one of major contributors responsible for pollution of ground-water and surface water bodies. The aim of this study was to determine the content of phosphorus in orchard lawn for reduction of phosphorus fertilizer application and to include the phosphorus from mown grass into P balance and turnover calculation. The investigation was done at the Latvia State Institute of Fruit–Growing in 2009. Three treatments were compared: control, mulch and fertigation. Inter-row strips were covered by grass vegetation. Grass samples were collected at the time of grass mowing. The removal of phosphorus was calculated as kilograms per hectare area. The concentration of phosphorus in the lawn and the height of grass growth were significantly influenced by the mowing time and the soil moisture treatment. These results can be a base for further studies of phosphorus turnover in an orchard, as well as for fertilizer planning and management.



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How to Cite

V. Surikova and A. Kārkliņš, “Phosphorus Removal With Grass In An Apple Orchard Under Influence Of Mulch And Irrigation”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 83–88, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.923.