Environment Pollution With Oil Products and Review of Possibilities for Collection Thereof


  • Juris Treijs Rezeknes Augstskola (LV)
  • Edmunds Teirumnieks Rezeknes Augstskola (LV)
  • Viktors Mironovs Riga Technical University (LV)




ferromagnetism, oil spills, pollution


The largest global pollution nowadays gives oil and oil products. This contamination poses a danger to the environment and aquatic eco-systems. Not only seas but also small water bodies and watercourses, as well as coastal areas, soil and groundwater are contaminated with oil products. Contamination results in destruction of some plants or animals, but in events of high oil contamination also of the entire ecosystem. Latvia has inherited the oil pollution from both the Soviet Union large-scale industry and its military facilities, as well as at present the oil products are getting into environment from petrol stations, accidents, and from the cross-border pollution. In many cases of oil spills, people are trying to collect them in order to have no impact on the environment, but unfortunately very often, even in most cases this does not occur. Financial resources, as well as the lack of appropriate technologies or restricted possibilities for their application are the limiting factors. The article deals with the traditional methods of oil collection in water and also describes options for decontamination of polluted soil from the oil products. A brief insight is provided into application of ferromagnetic sorbents, which is a new method for collection of oil and oil products.



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How to Cite

J. Treijs, E. Teirumnieks, and V. Mironovs, “Environment Pollution With Oil Products and Review of Possibilities for Collection Thereof”, ETR, vol. 1, pp. 301–309, Aug. 2015, doi: 10.17770/etr2011vol1.926.