
  • Vilma Kolneja Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija (LV)
  • Inese Cimermane Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija (LV)
  • Marlinda Kaša, Malnavas koledža (LV)



silage quality, feed, greenhouse gas emissions in animal husbandry,


The paper deals with the methods of improving animal husbandry feed rations in two different farms. Forage quality in herd has enormous impact on methane production all over the world, so it is important to find ways to decrease these numbers and also increase the productivity of the whole herd. As a result of research, the chemical composition of the different kind silage of sown grasses and natural meadows will be clarified and proposals are developed for improvement the quality of feed for herd productivity increase.
Supporting Agencies
Credits. This study was funded by Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Malnava College. The authors would like to acknowledge Latvian rural consultation and education center for help with sample collection. We would like to acknowledge LBTU Department of Agronomic Analysis of the Scientific Laboratory of Biotechnology for sample analysis and results. Also, we would like to acknowledge farm “Laimītes” and “Bērzi” owners for cooperation and opportunity to take samples for research.



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How to Cite

V. Kolneja, I. Cimermane, and M. Kaša, “COMPARISON OF SILAGE COMPOSITIONS OBTAINED FROM SOWN GRASSES AND NATURAL MEADOW GRASS IN FARM BĒRZI AND FARM LAIMĪTES”, HET, no. 27, pp. 32–37, Oct. 2023, doi: 10.17770/het2023.27.7372.